Jonathan Delarosa

Jonathan Delarosa

If it weren’t for Jonathan Delarosa’s father, Delarosa wouldn’t be the bodybuilder he is today.


Not only was his father the most muscular father amongst all his friends fathers, but he would also keep an updated selection of bodybuilding magazines in the house. Without much thought, Delarosa began imitating his father’s workouts and when his father mixed up a protein shake Delarosa would request the same exact one. The training helped him gain a spot on his middle school basketball team, a sport he continued to play through to high school all the meanwhile spending hours in the gym trying to make himself a better athlete.

After a successful four years in high school varsity basketball and football, with a few games left in his last  football,  Delarosa  shattered his coccyx and sacrum leaving him bedridden for six months. As the weeks passed, his muscles withered away. But at soon as Delarosa was back on his feet he walked into the gym set on training harder than he ever had and fulfilling a newfound dream — competing in a bodybuilding competition. Since then he has gone pro and competed in dozen of events.

Place of Birth: New York, NY

Age: 39

Competition Weight: 225

Off-Season: 265

Competition History

Year League Competition Place
2019 IFBB Mr Olympia 12th
2018 IFBB Arnold Classic Ohio 8th
2017 IFBB New York Pro 2nd
2016 IFBB Toronto Pro 5th
2016 IFBB New York Pro 8th
2015 IFBB IFBB Vancouver Pro 2nd
2015 IFBB Wings of Strength Chicago Pro 1st
2014 IFBB San Marino Pro 10th
2014 IFBB Arnold Classic Europe 10th
2014 IFBB Mr Olympia 14th
2014 IFBB Toronto Pro 3rd
2014 IFBB New York Pro 3rd
2014 IFBB Arnold Classic Brazil 3rd
2014 IFBB Europa Show of Champions—Orlando 2nd
2013 IFBB New York Pro 4th
2012 IFBB Toronto Pro 2nd
2012 IFBB New York Pro 5th